HTC Health: 2022, a year in review

December 21, 2022

Are you tired?

Because you’ve been running through our minds all year. In trends, numbers, strategies, predictions… It’s safe to say, we’ve really covered some ground when it comes to innovation and supporting our partners. So we thought we’d take a blog post pit stop and look back on the year and how our predictions played out in our (and your) business.

It felt like 2022 took ALL of its supplements. It supercharged its self-care routine and went all in on becoming more conscious, more personal and more holistic.  At the start of the year, Innova predicted that global sustainability would surpass personal health as the main focus for consumers, becoming the number one global concern. And boy did it. We watched myths & misconceptions crumble all around us and make space, no, DEMAND space for open and honest communication from brands.

And out of that space came a new ‘feel good’ consumer. They had a greater awareness of social issues and were seeking out the control they had lost during COVID, while simultaneously incorporating the flexibility they had gained. They began aligning their food choices with lifestyles, using their diets as a signal for values, and their purchasing decisions as a form of personal expression –  including going back to the roots and favouring local ingredients above all else. And, perhaps most importantly for businesses, this consumer demonstrated that they were willing to embrace change so long as they could be shown, and trust, that it would be beneficial to global and personal health.

In short, 2022 was the year of helping the planet by taking better care of ourselves, levelling up on our health regimes, and claiming back the years we lost.

So how did we do it at HTC Health? 

Well, we introduced rPET bottles in 2022 as the number one choice for our supplements, launched gummies in fully recyclable pouches and are focusing on consolidating more products into our shipments to reduce our carbon footprint as well as pushing towards 100% rPET bottles. What’s more, technological and production advances by our world class production facility enabled us to take the gummy format further, faster, than any other gummy supplier in the industry,with a vegan first development approach, a probiotic gummy as the cornerstone offering and more flavours than ever to offer amplified experiences.

Busy year, right? But over the past few years, we’ve all had to change the way we do business and we’ve been inspired by the resolve and fortitude of our partners and team to meet the public wherever they are. 

And in a weird way, 2022 was all about 2023. While we can’t tell you everything we’re working on right now, take our word for it – there’s never been a better time to do business with us. And, as always, we’re here to help you take on any twists and turns with innovation and sophistication.

More flexible lifestyles are changing the way that products and services are delivered and impacting occasions, a greater awareness of social issues is creating more engaged customers, putting pressures on brands to take actions. More in-control consumers are taking positive action through shopping choices, while the need for control and release is bringing a focus to proactive health solutions.

Gut health, amplified experiences, upcycling, aligning food choices with lifestyles, using diets as a signal for values, and purchasing decisions as a form of personal expression –  including going back to the roots and favouring local ingredients above all else.

2022 was a big year for HTC Health. Not only for our team, but for our partners. The people who trust us to help them build their business. So while we’ve worked hard to make sure we’ve stayed on and ahead of the market, the best reward of the year has been using our capabilities to get hundreds of wins for our clients.

Here’s to 2023!